1. Infection Control

According to the information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately one in 31 hospitalized patients experiences a Healthcare-Associated Infections or HAI, equating to a prevalence of around 3.22%. 1

Notably, our Hospital, Sunway Medical Centre Velocity boasts a flawless track record with zero incidence rate for Blood Stream Infections and no reported cases of Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) infections, for two consecutive years. This commendable outcome is attributable to our nurses’ and clinicians’ stringent adherence to protocols designed to eradicate infections within the Hospital. The emphasis on hand hygiene, coupled with the utilization of sterile instruments and equipment throughout our Hospital, contributes significantly to this outcome.

Our cadre of Infection Control Nurses and assigned link-officers, strategically positioned across all clinical sectors and bolstered by a robust clinical leadership team, devises and reinforces protocols aimed at averting HAI. Ensuring widespread coverage, our comprehensive approach involves routine training sessions for all healthcare workers. Over 95% of our clinical staff undergoes comprehensive instruction, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills in infection prevention and control measures. Additionally, periodic audits are conducted to assess and ensure adherence.

We consistently incorporate evidence-based practices gleaned from scientific literatures and guidelines aiming to eliminate and minimize occurrence of infections within our Hospital. This concerted effort ensures that our patients can convalesce in an environment free from HAI and return home with confidence in their well-being.

Quality Measures / Period

(January – December)

 (January – December)

Target / Limit*


Haemodialysis AV-fistula access-associated Blood Stream Infection





Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI) within the ICU



<5 per 1000 catheter days


VRE infection within the ICU





*with reference to accreditation targets


  1. Health Information Management System (HIMS) / Medical Records

In accordance with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) Guideline regarding Medical Records and Medical Reports 2, there exists a pressing need for timely preparation and availability of Medical Reports for collection by patients, their next of kin, or authorized agents, as these reports serve various purposes. As a best practice, and with an emphasis on promptness, clinicians, as per the Guideline, are generally allotted a period of six (6) weeks, starting from the time the Records Officer processes the request, to furnish a comprehensive report.

Deviating from the initial six-weeks timeline, our Hospital proactively pursued a goal of completing reports within a two to four-weeks’ timeframe, as an initiative to expedite these requests. Despite a shorter timeframe, the Hospital delivers commendable outcomes, boasting an impressive compliance rate of 98% in 2021 and 99% in 2022. Our Medical Records Department is steadfast in prioritizing the expeditious handling of requests from patients or their duly authorized representatives.

This achievement underscores the Hospital's unwavering commitment to delivering efficient and high-quality services, extending beyond clinical care to encompass all facets of a patient's visit or admission to the hospital.

Quality Measures / Period

(January – December)

 (January – December)

Target / Limit*


Percentage of medical reports prepared within 2 to 4-weeks from date of request.





*with reference to accreditation targets

1 https://www.cdc.gov/hai/data/index.html
2 MMC Guideline 002/2006