General Practitioner Privilege Programme

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  • General Practitioner Privilege Programme

GP Privilege Programme

Be part of our healthcare network for better exchange of medical knowledge, referral of patients and more.


SMCV ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Network

SMCV STEMI Network marks the beginning of a new era for the treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction, with the ultimate goal of ensuring individuals suffering from heart attack receives treatment faster because #EverySecondCounts


Neonatal Orthopaedic
By Dr. Maria Wong
Bedah Ortopedik &Traumatologi, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Screening
By Dr. Tee Teong Jin
Gastroenterologi & Hepatologi, Kedokteran Penyakit Dalam
Heart Disease In the 21st Century:  A Surgical Overview
By Dr. Hardip Singh Nagindar Singh
Bedah Kardiotoraks
Blood in the Urine- Should you be concerned?
By Dato' Dr. Selvalingam Sothilingam
Urologi, Robotic Surgery
By Dr. Tang Mee Ling
Telinga, Hidung, & Tenggorokan, Bedah Kepala dan Leher
Endocrine Hypertension: Who ,When , How ?
By Dr. Lim Kim Piow
Endokrinologi & Diabetes, Kedokteran Penyakit Dalam
SMCV Stemi Network; Every Second Count
By Datuk Dr. Foo Yoke Loong, Dr. Tee Chee Hian
Kardiologi, Kedokteran Penyakit Dalam, Kedokteran Penyakit Dalam
Red Flags in Pediatric Ophthalmology
By Dr. Fiona Chew Lee Min
Oftalmologi, Oftalmologi Pediatrik, dan Bedah Strabismus