Children's Health and Development Centre

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Children’s Health (Paediatric)

Trusted Healthcare Partner in Your Child’s Wellbeing

Sunway Medical Centre Velocity is committed to becoming the top choice for children's health and wellness services in Kuala Lumpur. With a comprehensive team of specialists and modern facilities, SMCV offers a wide range of services focused on the well-being of children. Our services encompass various aspects of child health, including paediatric care, child developmental, general wellness, and more, making us your one-stop health center for your child's health and well-being.

Common Conditions

Respiratory infections in children are frequent illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria, affecting the upper or lower respiratory tract. Common symptoms include coughing, fever, congestion, and difficulty breathing. These infections range from mild colds to more severe conditions like bronchitis or pneumonia, often requiring medical evaluation and treatment.

Gastrointestinal conditions in children encompass a spectrum of digestive disorders, such as reflux, constipation, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel diseases. These conditions can lead to symptoms like abdominal pain, vomiting, or poor weight gain and may require specialized medical evaluation and management for effective treatment and relief.

Skin conditions in children cover a wide array of dermatological issues, including eczema, rashes, and infections. They can result in symptoms such as itching, redness, or discomfort. Proper diagnosis and management are vital to address these conditions and ensure the child's skin health and overall well-being.

Allergies in children are immune system reactions to allergens like pollen, food, or insect stings, leading to symptoms such as hives, sneezing, or anaphylaxis. Diagnosing and managing allergies is crucial for a child's well-being, often involving avoidance, medications, or allergy shots under medical guidance.

Childhood infections refer to various contagious illnesses commonly affecting children, such as colds, flu, strep throat, or ear infections. These infections can lead to symptoms like fever, cough, or sore throat and often require appropriate medical evaluation and treatment to ensure a child's recovery and well-being.

Childhood chronic conditions encompass persistent health issues in children, such as asthma, diabetes, or cystic fibrosis. These conditions often require ongoing medical care, lifestyle management, and supportive measures to help children lead fulfilling lives while effectively managing their health challenges.

Services & Facilities

Children are the future, and our pediatric services are designed to ensure they receive the highest quality of care throughout their developmental years. We have a team of consultants in various specialised fields, making SMCV the go-to center for the little ones.

Routine Check-ups and Vaccination

Routine Check-ups and Vaccination

Providing comprehensive assessments & routine vaccinations for your children, ensuring preventive care and early detection of potential health issues.

Treatment of childhood illnesses

Treatment of Childhood Illnesses

Targeted care for common childhood illnesses, including respiratory infections, ear infections, and urinary tract infections, fostering swift recovery and overall well-being.

Chronic disease management

Chronic Disease Management

Tailored strategies and ongoing care plans for effective management of common paediatric chronic diseases such as asthma, type 1 diabetes, and epilepsy.

Developmental and Behavioural Health

Developmental and Behavioural Health

Specialised services addressing developmental milestones and behavioral health concerns in children, offering interventions for conditions like ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and speech delays.

Newborn care & NICU

Newborn Care & NICU

Expert care for newborns and premature infants provided in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).



A nurturing environment equipped for the care of newborns, offering essential services and support for routine care, including feeding, diapering, and monitoring.

Meet Our Specialist(s)
